Q. Can you tell us more about
Japanese business style?
A.Business dress and the items required will vary widely depending on industry and job category. Although a suit with jacket is fundamental for both men and women when interviewing or meeting with clients, many companies do not require you to wear a jacket or necktie during the summer months. In IT and design-related companies, many people work in casual attire that is no different from what they normally wear, such as T-shirts and jeans. On days when working remotely, only tops such as shirts and blouses that are visible on the screen may be worn, and pants that are more casual may be worn.
Formal style
If you have a job where you interact with customers on a daily basis, you are often preferred to dress in a suit and tie like this.
Casual style
In jobs that require occasional contact with customers but do not require as much formality as a suit, an increasing number of companies are allowing people to work in slightly less-formal attire.
Rough style
For workplaces that emphasize creativity and efficiency, rough clothing such as T-shirts and jeans may be acceptable.
Work clothes style
When working on site, such as in a factory rather than at a desk, many companies wear this type of easy-to-work-in attire.
Religious consideration
Regardless of the nature of the work, scarfs, hijabs, long sleeves, and long pants are allowed in consideration of religious dress code.
Business styles vary from company to company, so check before joining.