Business outline
Data security software solution services using secure computation and data analysis of secure information using AI analysis technology

Company keywords
- A diverse environment home to a wide range of specialists, with a quarter of employees being foreign nationals and with English as the official language of the company
- No core hours, but instead, employees engaging in activities both inside and outside the company to enrich their lives and work
- A training system that supports career of choice, such as a specialist, in project management, etc.
Company overview
With the ability now to freely connect to the world through the internet, the establishment of laws and regulations protecting personal information and the development of technology are progressing in many countries.
Our company continues to be a world leader in the field of data security, with a mission to "securely utilize and transform all data into value." The company’s software, which utilizes a technology called "secure computation," allows companies to securely use personal information data for business activities without restrictions. Furthermore, the company’s strength lies in its ability to combine this with its proprietary AI analysis technology to design systems for precise demand forecasting, operational efficiency improvement, and unmanned operations. These services are led by a diverse group of specialists from around the world that reside at the cutting edge of applied mathematics, cryptography, computer science, machine learning, and more. In order for them to be successful, it was inevitable that English be made the official language of the company.
"English has become a common language, and the latest information from around the world is quickly shared and utilized in the development of services," says CEO Hiroki Imabayashi.
Meanwhile, another characteristic of the company is its environment, in which technological development progresses beyond the areas of each worker’s specialty in an open atmosphere.
Sorawit (from Thailand), who joined the company after graduating from a Japanese university and completing a doctoral program in the U.S., was one of those that were attracted to the company. He commented: "Some companies request that I conform to their way of doing things, but EAGLYS seemed to respect my way of doing things and to accept my various ideas, perhaps due to the fact that there are many foreign national employees here." Sorawit intuitively decided to join EAGLYS at the first interview.

Work-life balance initiatives
CEO Imabayashi: "I consider work to be part of one’s own life. Therefore, the most-important thing is what you want to do, and during recruitment interviews, we always have a thorough discussion about how the interviewee wants to develop their career."
At such a company, it is possible to develop one’s own career, both internally and externally. It is recommended that 20% of work time be spent on things not directly related to business, and some employees work as managers outside the company or develop their own apps as a concurrent job. Recently, more and more employees are pursuing MBAs and other business schools. The company also focuses on stimulating communication among employees across departmental boundaries. There is a café space with a free drink system to facilitate chatting outside of work, and regular get-togethers are also common.
At social gatherings, employees make presentations on their own hobbies, and out of that, an app was created using a drawing tool.
And, the company has no core hours.
"When I wake up, I decide whether to go to work based on my mood that day. But I want to see my colleagues, so I come to the office at least two days a week," said Sorawit, noting that the freedom of working without time constraints is also appealing.

Human resource development initiatives
Looking ahead to the company's future 10 years from now, CEO Imabayashi says: "We want to support our employees in their pursuit of becoming specialists, and we also want to focus on developing executives so that those that wish to do so can not only gain project experience but also be entrusted with new projects."
Imabayashi holds one-on-one meetings with all 30 employees every three months and listens to each person’s view so that he or she can be involved in a project that matches his or her preferences.
The company is also active in helping employees improve their skills. In addition to providing subsidies for training and book purchases, the company fully supports the acquisition of skills and the latest information necessary for specialists, including fees for participation in academic conferences and the acquisition of advanced qualifications.
Sorawit's favorite is the company-paid Japanese language assistance program. He said of his latest aspirations: "I want to become more fluent in Japanese, further improve my presentation and negotiation skills for clients, and be able to lead projects."
In addition, a study session is held every Friday, at which employees can grow together with their peers through impassioned discussions using a whiteboard.
Another attraction of this company is that you can acquire practical skills through work experience. In fact, new services and projects are being launched daily, and opportunities are made available for those that wish to learn about project management.

Message from our top executive
CEO and Representative Director Hiroki Imabayashi
We welcome those that have a clear idea of what they want to do, but even if you are not sure yet, we welcome those that believe in the possibilities of technology and those that want to change the world. Many new projects will be launched in the future, and we are looking forward to working with those that have the spirit to lead them.

Message from foreign talent
AI engineer/Sorawit Stapornchaisit(Thailand)
In the IT industry, which I am in, there are many places where you can be active even if you cannot speak Japanese. I think it is important to give it a try first. Before I came here, I used to think that Japanese people worked too much, but now the environment allows me to decide when I want to work, according to my own lifestyle. I spend my days very relaxed and at my own pace.

Corporate information
- Name of company
- Date of establishment
- December, 2016
- Capitalization
- 100 million yen
- Representative
- Hiroki Imabayashi
- Number of employees
- 38 (foreign employees: 10)
- Headquarters location
- 5-27-3 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
- https://www.eaglys.co.jp/
* All information is current as of September 2022.